
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!


Summer Term 2024 Menu - starting Monday 15th April 2024

Our school lunches are provided by Norse catering - you are also welcome to read their fun and informative monthly blog which you will find here:!


If you have any questions about your child's school lunch please feel free to contact the school office, or you are welcome to contact Norse direct on 01603 894100 or there is a 'contact us' form on their website.


Norse are able to offer allergen diets so if your child has a medically diagnosed need please complete the below form and return to the school office with medical evidence (a letter from a hospital/doctor/clinic) and we will ensure this is put into place.

Lunchtimes are a very important part of the children’s day at Littleport Primary School. There are many activities and school clubs available and eating a tasty, healthy meal whilst relaxing and chatting to friends is a key part of the day.



Children can choose to have a School Meal or bring a packed lunch.  As a healthy school, we only allow children to drink water or milk so please ensure you provide a relevant drink for lunchtime and throughout the day.


School Meals

Our school menu rotates on a 3 weekly basis (see above for the options this term).  Children will be asked at registration each day, which choice they would like (teachers will display the menus on whiteboards so children can choose visually as well as being told the options).  Once they have chosen, every child having a school dinner will be given a coloured wrist band which then tells the catering staff which lunch they are having.   All options include a choice of different puddings, seasonal vegetables, salad bar, freshly baked bread and fresh water.


Why choose a school lunch?                                                                                    

Our lunches are tasty, nutritious and provide may other benefits:


  • A school lunch improves concentration and helps children to do better at school

  • Our menus encourage students to enjoy a varied diet, improving their long term health

  • Eating a school lunch with friends is social and fun

  • Value – they are good value and very convenient


We have special meals throughout the year, and welcome parents to eat a school lunch with their child as well – details of events will be circulated a week or so beforehand.  School meals cost £2.50 per day (from 17th April 2023).





Free School Meals for Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) children

All KS1 pupils are entitled to a tasty, nutritious free school meal.  The Government provides funding to enable primary schools in England to offer a free meal to every child in these year groups.  This is known as the ‘Universal Free School Meal’.



Who is eligible for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium?


All children who are at school; and were under 19 at the start of the academic year; and are claiming or have parents who are claiming:


  • Income support

  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance

  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance

  • Child Tax Credit (as long as you get Working Tax Credit and whose annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190)

  • Support under part VI of the Immigration & asylum Act 1999

  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit


Even if your child is in Key Stage 1, (therefore is entitled to the Universal Free School Meal), please ensure you apply for Pupil Premium funding as this can be used for a range of interventions including: help with costs of school trips, music fees, teaching assistant staff, after school programmes, equipment as well as entitling you to help with uniform costs each term.  Please find more information about checking if you are eligible for free school meals - or ask the school office to check for you, we will need your date of birth and national insurance number.


Packed Lunch

At Littleport Primary we know how important it is that children have a healthy, balanced lunch.  Our school dinners are a very healthy choice and the best way of ensuring your child has a good balanced meal but we know some families prefer their child to have a packed lunch -  so we try to help you plan a fantastic lunchbox which your child will enjoy and is good for them.




Here are some good websites that give advice and ideas on what to put in a healthy lunchbox:

