
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!

Year 4 Swifts

Welcome to Swifts Class!



Here you will find lots of useful information about our class and our curriculum. Please feel free to browse all of the different links and enjoy all of the exciting moments from our year captured on camera in our gallery page!

Be sure to return soon as we regularly update our pages.


The first ever camp out on the school field was a huge success!  The children (and adults) had a wonderful time trying out archery, building dens and making some Native American headdresses.  Playing hide and seek and sardines in the woods at twilight was a particular highlight and we may have given some people quite a fright with our authentic war cry! 


This event wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our dedicated staff who gave up their time and a full night’s sleep.  A big thank you to Mrs Cameron, Mrs Duffield, Mr Clark, Mr Cattermole, Miss Bush, Mrs Frost and Mrs Rutterford for their support.  We’d also like to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers for their help, enthusiasm and tents! 


We hope you enjoy looking at some photos from the night. 


Mrs Weinberg and Miss Hoal

Useful Information:


Our PE days are:

  • Tuesday - Indoor PE
  • Wednesday - Outdoor PE

Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on these days. Games lessons will take place outside whenever possible so please provide suitable clothing for this lesson i.e. trainers, tracksuit bottoms (or equivalent) and a warm top.  For health and saftey reasons, children are not permitted to wear earrings in PE lessons so please ensure that they can remove them by themselves or that they do not wear them on these days.

Summer Term Take Away Home Learning

Wagon Making - Practical Maths. It was lovely to have so many of you in to help make our wagons!

A wonderful afternoon pond dipping in our nature area

Planting our sunflowers

Football Festival at Ely College

Enjoying the woods despite the weather - luckily there was a fire to warm them!

Group B building (and defending) their dens

Measuring in the snow

Forest Schools - Our outdoor adventure begins!

Outdoor Learning - minibeast hunting in our fantastic nature area

Year 4 Gymnastics Festival January 2015
