
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!

Updated Government advice re sending children to school

Dear parents/carers,


Some of you may be aware that the government updated their guidance on Friday evening to state that all parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their child(ren) at home if at all possible.


Thank you to all of the critical worker parents and carers who have already been in contact with the school to say that they will no longer need the school place they originally booked and will now keep their child at home following this change in the government’s guidance. The number of children in schools this lockdown compared to the last has been highlighted as a concern in the news this weekend and the fewer children that are in school during this lockdown will mean that the risk of the virus spreading and infecting the school community is greatly reduced.


We know that it can be very difficult for parents and carers to work from home while the children are there but we have designed our remote learning offer as best as we can to support this. We really appreciate your wonderful feedback in appreciation of these changes. Your support in keeping numbers in school as low as possible will really make a difference. Thank you!


Best wishes,


Adam Rivett

Headteacher, Littleport Community Primary School

Spread Your Wings and Fly!

01353 860235

