Welcome to the SEND page of our school website. Here you will find information about SEND policy and practice within the school.
Identifying and Supporting SEND
‘Providers must have arrangements in place to support children with SEN or disabilities. These arrangements should include a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEN’’
The progress of children at Littleport Community Primary School is tracked throughout the year by the class teacher. This enables staff to identify when a child may require a different or additional type of support to enhance their learning and development. This is done following the Graduated Approach and will cover one or more of the four areas of need:
The Graduated Approach
‘All those who work with young children should be alert to emerging difficulties and respond early. In particular, parents know their child best and it is important that all practitioners listen and understand when parents express concerns about their child’s development’’
The Graduated Approach is a four-part cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review which leads to a growing understanding of the child’s needs. It supports staff to identify actions that need to be put in place to ensure the best outcomes for the child. Class teachers work with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) as part of the graduated approach to ensure that children are given SMART targets and appropriate provision.
Teachers will meet with parents at various points throughout the year (usually half-termly) to share the progress made and discuss what next steps might be appropriate. We value parent voice and work hard to create a good parent-school relationship.
Accessing Outside Professionals
The Graduated Approach is a key element of seeking additional support from other professionals. It is a requirement that school goes through at least two cycles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) before we can consider any referral.
If you think that your child may have special educational needs, or if you have any concerns about any aspect of provision and/or progress, please talk to us. In the first instance, talk to your child’s teacher.
You may also contact the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) Mrs Amber Harradine-Hughes. She can be contacted via the School Office or on the school telephone number (01353 860235) or by email senco@littleport.cambs.sch.uk
The Cambridgeshire Local Offer
As part of the revised Code of Practice for SEND, all local authorities with their partners must publish in one place information about the services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people aged 0 – 25 who have a special educational need and/or disabilities (SEND). This is known as the local offer. This is the link to the Cambridgeshire Local Offer, which will be changed and developed over time and in consultation with parents, children and young people: