
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!

Our Curriculum

At Littleport Community Primary School, our children are at the heart of our curriculum. We believe in an exciting and engaging curriculum; a curriculum that is intellectually stimulating and innovative; broad and balanced; and, a curriculum that offers our children a wealth of experiences and new challenges.


We have built our curriculum around five key principles: Ambition, Inspiration, Inclusion, Pride - which all lead to a Well-Rounded pupil. 




All staff play a vital role in a reviewing our whole school curriculum. Our aim is to ensure that our curriculum provides pupils with an excellent mix of academic and personal development; gives equal importance to core and foundation subjects; that physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are both valued and understood and, that all children should be able to experience the feeling of accomplishment. Our curriculum design is therefore reviewed throughout the year to ensure that all our children spread their wings and fly!


Should you require any further information about our curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher or get in touch with the school office.


What makes our curriculum special?


  • A love of our literary heritage – reading for pleasure and purpose are important to us. Children experience a range of fiction and non-fiction texts which are woven through our curriculum. Storytime across the school is central to our philosophy in developing a love of reading and supporting children in developing a love of language.

  • Everyone can be a mathematician - maths is for everyone! We develop key skills within mathematics and apply these to problem solving tasks and in other curriculum subjects.

  • An Arts Education is essential to children’s wellbeing and development – we want all our children to see themselves as artists and musicians. An appreciation of the arts is vital. We recently gained Silver in our first Arts Mark Award!

  • Outdoor Learning all year round - we value our environment and are passionate about learning outside. All children have an opportunity to experience our wonderful Forest School.

  • A national and international outlook – our children love exploring the world around them – the past, the present and the future! Our humanities curriculum is ambitious in its scope and design.

  • Physical and Mental Wellbeing – we value the whole child and want every young person to thrive.

How Our Curriculum is Organised

Here you can find information about each of our subjects; how they are organized and mapped across the school; the statutory requirements for each subject as well as progression. 


If you wish to find out more about the National Curriculum 2014 (the most recent change to the primary curriculum for maintained state schools) then please visit the DfE's website at this link:
