
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!


As a school we aim to create a caring, high quality learning community where everyone is valued; proud of their achievements and are equipped with skills to spread their wings and fly! Holding to our core principles of ambition; pride; inclusion; and inspiration.


Parents will be aware that our local community has been growing significantly over the past few years and we, as a school, have experienced our own growth as a result of taking on extra classes when necessary. Parents and children are making a positive choice about LCPS and we are immensely proud that the number of children on roll continues to grow.


Cambridgeshire County Council are aware that there will be an increase in children requiring school places within Littleport coming through the school system over the next few years and the increase in house building locally is creating pressure on school places in both the short, medium, and long term. The Council have undertaken feasibility studies around school expansion for schools across Littleport in order to identify options for creating additional places. Littleport Community Primary School has been approached by the Council as a preferred site for expansion, which we believe recognises not only the space available on-site, but also the current popularity and achievements enjoyed by the school.


With the proposed increase in children would come additional capital investment and we are delighted to share that the proposals include a new seven classroom extension to be built onto the existing building. In addition to this the school kitchen would be altered to cater for the extra children. We would also benefit from the installation of a sliding partition to expand our activity hall to create a flexible space for PE and dining.


This proposal gives us a real opportunity to grow the school and move us forward in terms of our strategic vision and plans. Below you can find detailed plans of the proposed works. Families were invited to attend a public consultation exhibition at the school on Tuesday 18th April. However, if you do have any comments on the expansion project, please use the form below to record your comments and pass them through to the school office.
