Maths at LCPS - Overview
Our school values are: ambition, pride, inclusive, inspiration and through focusing on these values children will become well rounded learners.
At Littleport Community Primary School, we are ambitious for our children in mathematics. We believe all children should leave our school being well rounded mathematicians. Children should be able to calculate fluently, use correct mathematical vocabulary and use their knowledge to solve problems and reasoning challenges.
At Littleport Community Primary School, it is important that children take pride in their achievements, knowledge and skills. In maths, we support children in being proud of their achievements by:
Children to take pride in their presentation when recording their work in books and we encourage them to reflect on their progress and achievements.
Mathematics introduces children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday life and support learning across the curriculum. All children, including those with SEND, are encouraged to develop their fluency and accuracy in both mental and written calculations. They are also given opportunities to notice patterns and think creatively; to work logically and systematically and to build their resilience as they reason and solve problems.
A carefully sequenced curriculum allows children to be inspired by their progress in maths, their confidence developing along with their knowledge and understanding. Many children are inspired by the success of their peers. Maths discussions and number talks allow children to share a range of approaches to questions and this can inspire children to try new strategies and develop their explanations. Adults can encourage children to embrace challenge through positive language choices and specific praise.
There are opportunities in other areas of our curriculum to learn more about mathematicians and apply our mathematical skills. For example, children encounter early mathematicians such as Euclid in history and use their knowledge of statistics to interpret data in geography.
Well rounded
By focusing on the above values in mathematics we are supporting the development of children as well-rounded mathematicians, preparing for the next stage in their education.
When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables! Remember: children in Y2 need to know the 2s, 5s and 10s; children in Y3 need to know the 3s, 4s and 8s; and children should know up to 12 x 12 by the end of Y4!
Although there will be some opportunities to use TT Rock Stars in school, we are limited by a packed curriculum and availability of technology so where possible, we are asking for your support in accessing this at home. Playing for just 5 minutes 3 or 4 times a week could really improve times table recall.
Children can play online via the website You may also download an App for the Iphone/Ipad or Android App through which your child may practice.
This video shows Miss Hoal giving you a quick guide to using TT Rock Stars.
Garage – This is the main mode the children should play. The questions will only come from the times tables your child needs to work on. As pupils start to answer questions, TT Rock Stars works out which facts they take longer on and will give them more of these questions to answer. |
Studio - the questions in the Studio can be anything from 2x2 up to 12x12. TT Rock Stars calculates each the mean speed from their last 10 games in the Studio and translates into a Rock Status. |
Soundcheck – This is designed to mimic the Multiplication Tables Check in Y4 so it features 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each question. We recommend that this is only played by Y4-6.
Tutor Bot
Tutor Bot contains completely free online maths games where children can practice their mathematics skills. We feature over 100 different customisable games which we hope kids will find to be a fun and new way to improve their mathematics fluency, accuracy and speed.