Welcome to Year 6
Who's Who?
Miss Hoal - Swifts Teacher
Miss Sennitt - Finches Teacher
We are supported by Mrs Sale and Mrs Duffield
Mr Clark and Mrs Mason will cover on Tuesday.
Mrs Mason and Mrs Grainger cover on Wednesdays.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak to us on the door! If you need a longer conversation, you are welcome to book an appointment with us either in person or by emailing the school office. Please speak to the class teacher in the first instance, followed by the phase leader if you need further support.
Phase Leader: Miss Hoal
When is PE?
Thursdays - outdoor PE with the football coach
Fridays - indoor PE
Please remember to send your child into school in their uniform as we now get changed for PE!
It is also really helpful if you can make sure your child's hair is tied up and their earrings have been removed before coming to school.
What should be worn for PE?
The national guidance has always been that no jewellery should be worn in PE. It is not safe to cover earrings/studs/sleepers with tape.
Please ensure your child has PE kit in school:
A white short-sleeved T-shirt (this must be suitable for physical activity)
Black or navy shorts or jogging bottoms (weather dependent)
A jumper or pullover (weather dependent)
Trainers (these must be a change of shoes)
Please note that our uniform expectations also include PE kits and it is essential that the clothes your child is wearing are suitable for physical activity and sports.
We encourage all our children to wear our smart, practical school uniform, representing LCPS with pride!
Children have the choice of wearing:
· grey or black pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts;
· white polo shirt or white school shirt;
· navy blue sweat shirt or cardigan;
· black flat shoes.
Please note that children should not be wearing make-up, including nail varnish, or wearing jewellery apart from a watch (NOT a smart watch) and pair of stud earrings. Children must be able to remove their own earrings for PE.
Daily Expectation
Please try and read and log on to TT Rock Stars daily.