
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!


Safeguarding at LCPS


Welcome to the Littleport Community Primary School Safeguarding section. On this page you will find our Safeguarding Mission Statement and key persons responsible for safeguarding in our school. Please click on the links for further information.


Littleport Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, parents and volunteers to actively share this commitment.


Our Safeguarding Team


Our Designated Personnel are Adam Rivett (Headteacher), Steve Parrin (Children's Inclusion Manager), Nick Clark (Deputy Headteacher), Amber Harradine-Hughes (SENDCo) and the link Governor for Safeguarding is David Barker (Chair of Governors).


If you do have a safeguarding concern, you can contact the school office during term time and a member of the safeguarding team will get back to you at their earliest convenience. If the school office is closed, you can contact the safeguarding team via:

If you think a child or an adult with care and support needs is in immediate danger, phone 999.

Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement - September 2023

Report Abuse in Education Helpline

The Department for Education commissioned the NSPCC to launch a helpline called Report Abuse in Education. The helpline comes after numerous anonymised testimonials of sexual harassment and abuse in schools and colleges were shared to the Everyone’s Invited website.


Support is available for current or past victims as well as parents with concerns. 

For more information, please visit their website:  NSPCC or cut and paste this address into your browser:


Operation Encompass

Parent Safeguarding Pamphlet
