Welcome to Eagle Class
Here you will find lots of useful information about our class and our curriculum. Please feel free to browse all of the different links and enjoy all of the exciting moments from our year captured on camera in our gallery page!
Be sure to return soon as we regularly update our pages.
Welcome back after the Easter break! I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday, and the children are ready for their final term, which is full of exciting activities in preparation for secondary school. As usual we are looking forward to working together in partnership with parents, so if you have some spare time this term, please come and join us – please speak with me to arrange a mutually convenient time.
This term our topic is called, "Will in the World". Shakespeare is one of England's greatest writers and we will be focusing our work on his life, achievements and his place within English history and culture.
If you have any questions or queries regarding school issues then please do not hesitate to contact me. Many thanks for your continued support.
Mrs Cameron
Eagles Class Teacher