
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!


Treehouse is Littleport Community Primary School’s in-house provision to support children from Reception and Key Stage 1 who are in receipt of an EHCP, and thrive in a small-group setting. Treehouse has been developed over the last two years by the school SENDCo, supported by outside professionals, school leadership team, subject leads and the fantastic staff who work within the setting. Children who attend Treehouse are either waiting for specialist placement, or have a long-term plan of returning to the main classroom. Links with the main class are made whenever possible.


What is taught in Treehouse?

The curriculum has developed over the last two years to include many of the school’s subject areas, but at a developmentally-appropriate level. It is quite similar to an early years setting structure. Advice has been sought from outside professionals, including from the SEND Services team, to ensure that we offer our highest needs children a curriculum that allows for progression of the whole child.


Treehouse is a full-time setting, and is right at the centre of the school building. Children register in the morning with their peers, and then transition to Treehouse for the day


How can I find out what my child has been learning?

Children who attend Treehouse have a Tapestry profile that parents are able to access. This is set up in YR by the class teacher, and is then continued for Treehouse attendees for Key Stage 1. Tapestry is a great snapshot for some of the learning that goes on, including our weekly forest school sessions. We track progress using the Tapestry SEND statements, which are broken down in to 6 stages that work towards the Early Learning Goals. A copy of these statements has been included with your information pack. These statements help us to ensure that progress is being made, and helps staff to plan in appropriately-levelled lessons and activities.


Parents have access to EduKey, which is the platform that school uses to support SEND across the school, including the graduated approach and Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR). Your child has an active APDR on EduKey, which you can access remotely at any point, that breaks down the EHCP outcomes in to smaller, measurable steps. These are reviewed termly with the school SENDCo and other key staff members, usually linking in with parents’ evenings. Your log-in invites will be included in the information pack.


Keep an eye out on the Sway newsletter for information on what is currently being taught in Treehouse. There is usually a link to an animation, book reading or song linking to our current learning that you can access at home as well.


How can I help my child in their developmental journey?

As you have been involved in the EHCP process, you will be aware of the identified areas of development for your child. Support is very child-specific, however focusing in on the following areas may help your child to become more independent at school and able to access the learning environment more readily:

  • Toileting
  • Getting dressed and undressed
  • General hygiene e.g. washing hands
  • Turn-taking games and activities
  • Reading to them regularly
  • Modelling how to play

