
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!

Parents Evening booking system open (Years 1 to 6)

We will be holding our Autumn parents’ evenings in October. This is a chance for you to come in and meet your child’s teacher and discuss their progress this half term in their new year group.


You can also request an appointment to see Miss Armstrong in her SENCo capacity (these will need to be made directly with the school office).


Dates and times available are as follows:



Years and classes

Appointment times

Tuesday 30th October

Years 1 to 6, all classes

3.30pm – 5.50pm

Wednesday 31st October

Years 1 to 6, all classes

4.00pm – 6.50pm


To make an appointment, please visit:


The booking system is open now and will close at midnight on Monday 29th October.


