
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!

Childcare Vouchers and flexible Stay and Play sessions

A letter will be coming home tonight with all children to advise what we are pleased to announce two beneficial changes to our Breakfast Club and Stay and Play Schemes - firstly, we are now accepting Childcare Vouchers for both clubs, and secondly the Stay and Play club now has 3 session options.


Childcare Vouchers

Most employers who provide Childcare Vouchers do so through a salary sacrifice scheme.  This means you agree to reduce your salary by a certain value, and receive Childcare Vouchers to the same value but pay no tax or National Insurance on these vouchers.


To join your employer's Childcare Vouchers scheme you first of all need to complete a salary sacrifice agreement.  Your employer will give you directions on how to do this.  After your agreement has been submitted to your employer, they will reduce your salary by the requested amount and arrange for vouchers to be provided to you.


For information about if the Childcare Voucher scheme is right for you, please visit:


If you currently claim tax credits, please contact your local tax office to discuss (as each case is individual we cannot advise on whether paying for childcare will affect your entitlement).


Stay and Play flexible sessions

To offer more flexible after school care, there are now three sessions available to you:


The full session – 3.15pm – 5.45pm - £8.50


First session – this is a shorter session, from 3.15pm – 4.30pm and the charge is £5.00


Second session – from 4.15pm – 5.45pm and the charge is £5.00.  This session is useful for parents whose children attend other after school activities, such as All4Sports, or a school run club.

Sessions can be booked via the School Gateway (please make sure the School Office have your correct email address to ensure you can create an account) at or via the paper based form which you can pick up from the leaflet holders to the left of the school office (or just ask in the office).
