
Littleport Community

Primary School

Spread your wings and fly!

Reception 2020 - accepting places

Admissions will be writing to all parents and carers to advise if their child has been offered a space at their chosen primary school for September 2020 Reception.


Due to the Covid-19 outbreak the school is currently closed to parents so we need to make changes to how we proceed in the present climate.


When you receive your offer letter, you can accept or decline the place by either:


1)  Calling the School Office

2)  Emailing the School Office - please use (the SchoolComms email will not work for you, unless you already have a child at our school in which case you can use this method).



In your message/email - please advise us of the following:

That you wish to accept the place

Your child's name and DOB

Your name, phone number and EMAIL address


Once the office receive your confirmation, you will be emailed with an application pack with instructions.  You will then be able to complete the necessary school registration forms and email these back to us so we have the details prior to your child starting.


The application pack has been added to our website too - please click here to access this should you wish.



In your message/email, please advise:

Your child's name and DOB and that you do not want/need the place.


Please note, you MUST email/call Admissions to advise you are not accepting the place - they will not be able to remove your child from our list until you can advise them of the name of the alternative school and provide confirmation that you have been offered a place.  We cannot do this for you, so please use the details in the letter they send you to let them know. 


If you have any queries at all, please get in touch.  We appreciate there are a lot of questions when it comes to your child starting school and we will do our best to either answer your queries ourselves, or we can ask Admissions if this is necessary.


We look forward to hearing from you!



